Blockbuster online rocks. For $18 a month you can get 3 movies mailed to you, then take and exchange them at the store for more movies, all the while 3 more are being mailed to you (Kelly, on The Office, can explain online movie rentals much better than I can). No other pure American entertainment comes this cheap or this rewarding...especially to families without cable TV.
And you can try it for 30 days FREE!
We switched to this deal in April and it is awesome. We have see 62 movies so far!!! We have a large que( go to regalcinemas.com and check for all the new movies coming out , then put them in your que. Some of them will go into your favorites because they won't be available at Blockbuster even in the que.We have dinner and a movie 5 nights a weeks and then I take them back the next day on my lunch hour. Remember, all new movies come out on Tuesdays, so always update your que for the lastest movie.Just make sure what you rent is coming within the next few days. This happened to us twice because I forgot to update
It is a great program..
As soon as they offer Blu-Ray I will happily ditch Netflix for them...until then I will stick with mailing.
Mom...you guys watch a ton of movies! :P
Agreed - videos in teh mail, what a concept! I'm searching for a close Blockbuster myself...Oh, and Miss Potter absolutely was delightful like you said. I'm always in need of more recommendations!
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