Saturday, April 28, 2007

here i go again

Today is pack day. I leave (again) on Monday for a 2 week adventure to see my sister and her family of 6 in Buffalo. I'm excited to make the beautiful drive, now that I know how great it is to be behind the wheel for these long jaunts and hope Abel cooperates with his carseat during the 10 hour event. Afton does great with the anticipation and a few movies. My mind if full of things to do the second time around with this trip:

1. Collect a rock from each stopping point. Afton started doing this on the last road trip so this time I'm making a game out of it. Abel, who loves to eat rocks, should have a blast with it too. My Mommy Mind knows this will be a good distraction when the antsies attack..."Afton what color of rock should we look for at the next stop. How big should it be? Can we find one in a silly shape?"

2. Limit DVD's to 2 or 3. Afton is a creature of habit which saves me a lot of packing space. I know if I bring 2 favorite flicks, she will be fine watching them over and over and over. Abel loves anything televised and will be equally happy.

3. Candy. Ring Pops. Candy Necklaces. Apple Gum. Rainbow Lollipops. I have a wonderful stash of the best candy and on road trips I don't have candy limits. I'm a cool road trip Mom.

4. Pack all my own food. All of us feel so much better when we eat the kinds of food on the road that we eat at home. PBJ's, apple slices, and cheese are easy to pack, don't stick up the car and leave us with calm bellies. And it's free!!!

I can always use more travel tips! Share, share!


Liz said...

Zane was alright climbing all over the inside of the car for a bit, so if it's rainy or cold, that might be a good break for abel (?) can't remember what their bodies need/ can do at that age...

kids music helped a little for our trip- but I am also about all kinds of snacks he doesn't normally get at home.

You will do great- you are such a good planner and totally in-tune with your kids. Have a blast with your family!

Liz said...

I meant climbing all over when the car is stopped for gas...

Ellen on the go said...

Yeah for the candy rings. Have you ever tried actual Rock candy for the kids?

Those home foods/snacks are still the best....way to go:)

Is Afton to young to play the Alphabet game? Always the best. I still look for the letters when I am out and about. Brings back great memories:)

Travel safe...Call me from Christy's

Love you lots, Mom

Angie said...

Music, singing time is great to pass some of the moments, when movies are done, and nothing else seems to enthuse them.
Also, that game...I spy, Good for colors, numbers, letters...or animals. I have no idea what you guys drive by.

She's probably too young to play Tetris, so I'll wait on that suggestion.

Tell the family hey for us...and have fun. Take lots of pictures, and don't get attacked by the snakes heheh ;)